Sunday, November 11, 2012


I won't deny it, this week I found myself in a bit of a time crunch: two papers to finish after a long Sunday work shift, and I didn't have time to get groceries.  I needed something that would cook itself but still be a satisfying snack, so I defaulted to my produce box, which these days is looking pretty measly.

Luckily, I had a butternut squash, so I consulted Bittman and got that bad boy cooking.  I stabbed it with a fork a few times and stuck it in a cake pan whole with a half-inch of water and covered it in tinfoil.

 I just let that sucker bake for an hour or so -- I actually forgot about it until I started to smell squash around the 45 minute mark.  By the time the egg timer went of, the squash was super soft and I could cut it with a butter knife.

I scraped out the seeds and guts and scrapped those, and kept the good stuff.  I typically take my squash with brown sugar, butter and salt (three things I definitely don't get enough of in my diet).  It took probably 5 minutes of actual effort, and tasted unbelievably good; it was the perfect late-night snack to get me through the rest of my Sunday night homework smack-down.

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