Sunday, September 30, 2012

Did you know that there is a sheep farm by the Mall of America? There is! My dear friend Chris lives on the land and takes care of the 400 sheep, 10 goats, 25 chickens and 3 dogs. I spent the harvest moon weekend there exploring, playing with animals, harvesting vegetables, and eating great food.
For breakfast we decided to work together to make a veggie scramble with eggs and vegetables from the farm. I taught Chris the kale stripping technique, he was impressed.
First we sautéed the onions, then tomatoes, then added the kale.
Mmmmm... fresh eggs with vibrant yolks went in next.
The final product: Eggs scrambled with onion, tomato, and kale. I give it yum rating of yummmmm, that's a yum with 5 m's!

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